175 E. Post Rd.
White Plains, NY 10601

What's New at BeadEverything

Happy July! Ruby stands for good fortune, harmony, and peace. In honor of all the July babies, all Ruby strands are 20% off all month long!

  It's June! Did you know June is the only month with 3 birthstones that all have special optical properties? PEARLS (pearlescence), MOONSTONES (adularescence), and ALEXANDRITE (color change). All pearl & moonstone strands are 20% off all month! (Sorry, we don't stock alexandrite due to its rarety and extremely high cost).

May's birthstone is EMERALD! Come check out our very affordable emerald strands. Even better, they are 20% off all month!

April is for DIAMONDS! All Diamond pieces, strands, and pendants, as well as Herkimer Diamond strands are 20% off for the entire month of April.

  Welcome to March! Aquamarine is the birthstone for this month, and all Aqua strands are 20% off!

February's birthstone is AMETHYST! Once called Bacchus Stone (after the Roman god of wine), Amethyst was believed to keep drunkeness away. These strands are 20% off all month!

January is GARNET month! Did you know there are over a dozen different varieties of Garnet? They naturally occur in colors like reds, purples, oranges, and greens. We have many of them, and they are all 20% off this month!

December babies get 2 official birthstones! Tanzanite & Turquoise strands are 20% off all month long!

SO MANY ETHIOPIAN OPALS! We just got in a big shipment of lots of different quality, color, and price natural opals. Come check out these great deals!

CITRINE & TOPAZ are the birthstones for NOVEMBER. Strands are 20% off this month!

CITRINE & TOPAZ are the birthstones for NOVEMBER. Strands are 20% off this month!

October is for Opals! All Opal strands are 20% off this month! So many different types to choose from!

WHATSNEW: 12 entries shown preceding Saturday, July 27, 2024
This page shows up to 12 entries at a time, with dates immediately preceding the given date.

Report website issues to info@BeadEverything.com. Page saved 31-Dec-2021.